Wednesday, 5 February 2014



Part 2 of JT's 20/20 Experience and just like the first
one this is another great release showcasing JT's talent.
However it just isn't as good. The first one has a bigger emphasis 
on RnB and less pop/dance which this disc has too 
much of in my opinion. Despite this it still is a nice album. 
but it just doesn't have the same lasting appeal.

1. Gimme What I Don't Know 5/5
Loving the hook and melodies on this one.
2. True Blood 3/5
This is not really acceptable as great as the track
might be with it's catchy hook and uptempo feel.
Not a fan of JT's way of singing here either.
3. Cabaret ft. Drake 4.5/5
This is more like it but unfortunately it 
has Drake as a feature which is a no no for me.
4. TKO 5/5
This one is awesome and more like part 1.
5. Take Back The Night 3/5
Brian McKnight has a similar 80s type retro track
on his album but pulls it off way better.
Sometimes I like this one, sometimes I just
want to skip it. I don't know.
6. Murder ft. Jay-Z 3/5
Again, the beat is just not there. Shitty Jay-Z
feature this time and a crap hook. A no no.
7. Drink You Away 4/5
There's just no consistency it seems. This one
seems out of place too after all previous tracks.
Still nice though. 
8. You Got It On 4.5/5
Smooth feel and more RnB the right way
9. Amnesia 5/5
Just like "Mirrors", this is outstanding. Why couldn't
the whole alb be like this? I mean, it was done
for part 1?
10. Only When I Walk Away 3/5
There's just something about this that annoys me.
The snare? JT's vocals? The whole vibe?
Probably a combination of all. Not thrilled here.
11. Not A Bad Thing / Pair Of Wings 5/5
At least the best was saved or last.
These 2 tracks are awesome.

Now, the thing that annoys me the most with this release?
2 of the best tracks were thrown on a bonus disc! Say what?
That just peeves me. "Blindness" & "Electric Lady" should have
been on the alb in favour of like 6-7 tracks from the main disc
Not sure who's call that was here. But I hate it.
In the end, this is a nice little album on it's own, if it wasn't
for part 1 that really just shits on this one. Kinda bummed.

Overall Score: 8/10

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