Wednesday, 5 February 2014



Forget about how superb R. Kelly was with R. or
or Happy People, can you go from Love Letter,
giving the fans what they want with songs like
"When A Woman Loves" again, to this dread that is so not
like anything the King Of R&B would ever do???
I mean, you're copying cats like Future (which is the biggest
abomination to urban music since Kanye West turned gay).
Auto-tune all over your album??? Singing ABC rhymes???
That is just un-acceptable and down-right a slap in the face
for your fans and yourself as an artist that's suppose to be
the best. There's only one song, "Shut Up" that is
the real R. Kelly. I mean, that is just sad.
I'm all for growing with the times and venturing into
new things (Stepping was so damn awesome), but this
is taking it too far. Remember the awesomeness that was
the performance of the 2010 Soul Train Awards? To this?
I've been shaking my head for weeks now.
I still bought the album, because R. Kelly is the man and
always will be, but he better come correct like with
Love Letter. The new Christmas album and a slew of
other releases (speculation on his behalf?) that will
be all about love-making, should hopefully be it.
But it all depends on the beats and more importantly
the vocal production. We'll see, but please,
give us that and R. again. Come on dude.

Overall Score: 3/10

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